Fan Art dedicata ad Ashley Williams, personaggio di Mass Effect 3.
Ho voluto rappresentare Ash più come un marine (cosa che è davvero) piuttosto che seguire la versione glam apparsa sulle prime immagini dal gioco che uscirà a marzo (non vedo l’ora ).
Ho realizzato quest’opera come biglietto d’auguri per Giulio e Luca, i miei migliori amici, in una pausa dal lavoro.
Fan Art of the character Ashley Williams, from Mass Effect 3.
I wanted to represent Ash more like a marine (which she is in fact) rather than the glam version appeared on the Images from the game, that will be released in March (I can’t wait ).
I’ve realized this artwork as a gift card for my best friends, Giulio and Luca, on a break from my job, so I could do only pencil and ink (In addition I tried to create a more exaggerated anatomy and an inking more marked and “american”, with FX made with the india ink on the BKG). On the next break maybe I will color it…
Not for sale, similar works -with other subjects- are carried out on request. Mass Effect and the characters linked to it are copyright BioWare.
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